What You Made Possible in 2023
Letter from Our Executive Director
Expanding Support for Immigrant Youth in New Mexico
Immigrant Day of Action at the Roundhouse
How NMILC’s Advocacy Triggered a Nationwide Policy Shift
Leading Innovative Workshops for Asylum Seekers in New Mexico
Unlocking Earning Potential & Amplifying Political Power
Survivor Advancement: Working for Safety & Justice in Our Communities
Letter from the Executive Director
Dear Friends,
In 2023, gridlock and polarization in Washington prevented desperately needed action on immigration reforms at the federal level. Meanwhile, many critically needed pandemic-era protections disappeared, leaving many immigrant families vulnerable. The need for compassionate, specialized support for immigrants and asylum seekers in New Mexico is immense. You have risen to meet that enormous challenge, and as a result, institutional changes and individual transformations were possible.
We are proud that New Mexico provides a welcoming home for newcomers fleeing violence and persecution despite scant resources and legal infrastructure. And still, every day, we work together to create a better future for immigrants. We’ve seen hardship transformed into tangible change, advocacy lead to monumental victories, and hopes held close by generations of families finally taking root. We invite you to hear the stories of our collective action in our 2023 Annual Report: Dream, Fight, Flourish.
This year’s passage of HB 15 will create a wave of positive impact on countless immigrant youth. This landmark legislation extended Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) eligibility from 18 to 21, offering more immigrant youth in New Mexico the opportunity to secure their future and pursue lawful permanent residency. This achievement was a testament to our community-led advocacy, where the voices of those directly affected by the policy change guided our path. Your support played the deciding role in making this dream a reality.
One story that emerged this year is that of Edgar Garrido Diaz, whose inhumane treatment in detention exposed the harsh and unacceptable realities faced by many immigrants. Our advocacy for Edgar led to transformative policy changes, setting a new standard for humane treatment. It serves as a stark reminder of why we do what we do — to fight for justice not just for one, but for everyone ensnared in the complex and dehumanizing immigration system.
Our innovative legal clinics, which are only possible because of your support, were recognized nationally for their effectiveness in engaging volunteers and creating access to counsel for large numbers of youth across the state. Your ongoing dedication enables us to continue creating models of change, including advocating for urgently needed reforms to statewide policy. Together, we are forging new paradigms that help immigrants flourish in the United States.
As we move into the 2024 election year, we know that global forces, such as political instability and climate change, will continue to drive even more immigrant families to seek shelter in New Mexico. Yet we are filled with hope and determination for the year ahead — because we also know that, together, we will continue to envision a vibrant New Mexico where all people can achieve their full potential and are treated with dignity and respect. Please join us as we embark on another year of daring to dream. Another round of fighting for what is right. And another step toward making peace and prosperity flourish for all.
¡Juntos, venceremos!
Jennifer Landau
Executive Director
Mónica Córdova
Board Chair
Jennifer Landau
Executive Director
Mónica Córdova
Board Chair
2023 — By The Numbers
People Served Throughout New Mexico in 2023
Through Legal Information & Referral
Through Phone Consultations & Legal Advice
Through Direct Representation
Through Legal Fairs & Workshops
Through Navigation & Emergency Rental Assistance Services
Community Members Engaged
Trainings for Community Partners
Hours Certified Interpreters & Translators Volunteered
Hours Medical Professionals Volunteered
Hours Attorneys & DOJ Accredited Representatives Volunteered

28 counties in New Mexico were served by NMILC
Doña Ana
Los Alamos
Rio Arriba
San Juan
San Miguel
Santa Fe

NMILC serves clients from diverse cultures & geographies across 86 countries
Our Theory of Change
Our Theory of Change is a visual representation of the strategies we believe are necessary to achieve our long-term goals and the methods we believe are foundational to our work. In collaboration with our organizational partners, we engage in policy, education and advocacy, direct services, and leadership development.
Each of these work areas support and inform the other, contributing to increased civic engagement and a more equitable justice system.
Expanding Support for Immigrant Youth in New Mexico
Policy, Education, Advocacy & Leadership Development
In a significant policy victory, NMILC played a pivotal role in the passage of HB 15, the Special Immigrant Juvenile Classification Act. Signed into law on April 5, 2023, by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, this landmark legislation extends Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) eligibility from 18 to 21, allowing more immigrant youth in New Mexico to secure special findings from state judges and apply for lawful permanent residency. This was a women-of-color, community-led policy advocacy campaign, spearheaded and informed by several NMILC staff and community members who themselves stood to benefit from the change. Our legal experts provided invaluable insights at the Legislature and also significantly shaped the contents of the bill through their expertise and the insights gained from NMILC-facilitated listening sessions with immigrant youth. This grassroots approach resulted in not only the age change, but also expanded eligibility criteria, including a provision that extends abandonment qualifications to include the death of a parent. The bill also contains both a retroactive and an emergency clause — features uncommon in most states. This monumental achievement was the last bill to pass the 2023 legislative session, earning it the nickname “The Little Bill That Could.” Now, New Mexico aligns its state law with federal SIJS statutes, making it the 18th state to do so and affirming NMILC’s commitment to innovative, community-centric advocacy.
NMILC Equal Justice Works Fellow Jessica Martinez served as the legal expert at the HB 15 legislative hearing.
How NMILC’s Advocacy Triggered a Nationwide Policy Shift
Policy, Education, Advocacy & Direct Services
NMILC took a stand for Edgar Garrido Diaz, an immigrant who experienced mistreatment while detained. Garrido Diaz sustained serious ankle and knee injuries while in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The complaint NMILC filed on his behalf led to a federal investigation and, ultimately, to transformative policy changes requiring ICE to perform individualized assessments for restraining people with disabilities nationwide. Although this is a step in the right direction, there should be neither restraints nor detainment at all. That’s why we worked during the 2023 legislative session to pass SB 172, a bill aimed at ending immigrant detention centers in New Mexico. NMILC testified before the legislature, drawing on our first-hand experiences from the “Know Your Rights” workshops and legal representation we provide at detention centers throughout the state. Our staff laid bare the grim realities asylum-seekers face daily: substandard living conditions, inadequate nutrition and healthcare, mistreatment by ICE and prison staff, and incidents of attempted suicides. Despite a narrow defeat, we are not giving up. Your financial support enables us to bring about legislative change in future sessions and make sure New Mexico is not a home to inhumane institutions.
Equal Justice Works Disaster Resilience Fellows Anna Trillo (left) and Sophia Genovese (right), outside of Cibola County Corrections Center, where they provide “Know Your Rights” presentations and pro se/brief services to detained asylum seekers.
Leading innovative workshops for asylum seekers in New Mexico
NMILC has been at the forefront of ensuring that legal services are available to asylum seekers state-wide. Through our Afghan Pro Se Plus asylum workshop model, over 300 individuals were provided legal support and 69 Afghan asylum seekers secured asylum in New Mexico as of November 2023 - an unparalleled achievement in our state. To respond to the increased need for legal services for asylum seekers entering through the southern border, we also strengthened our community engagement, holding monthly clinics for Spanish speakers dedicated to assisting with asylum applications and Employment Authorization Documents (EAD). Our clinic model utilizes volunteers to amplify our impact, ensuring that individuals seeking refuge find both safety and opportunity.
“[The services of NMILC] totally changed my life. [They] perfectly understood my anxieties and fears…and treated me with respect and dignity. They were always there for me and I thank them.”
Immigrant Day of Action at the Roundhouse
As part of the 2023 Legislative Session, our Immigrant Day of Action advocated for three crucial legislative bills: HB 15, the expansion of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS); SB 350, the U Visa certification bill; and SB 172, a bill aimed at ending immigrant detention centers in New Mexico. In a robust collaboration with various grassroots organizations across the state, NMILC organized a significant presence at the Legislature, bringing in a diverse group of individuals to testify and share their stories. The collective action amplified the urgency of these legislative matters and showcased our comprehensive approach to immigrant rights — blending firsthand service experience with policy advocacy for systemic change. Adding another layer of impact, for the first time ever, NMILC worked with artists who attended our community listening sessions to create a series of canvases to reflect the stories of impacted community members.
These artivism pieces by Juan Carlos Ramirez and Fernando Romo from Momentos Studios depict a call to action to end inhumane treatment at detention centers. The artwork was created and displayed as part of the Immigrant Day of Action at the Roundhouse.
Unlocking Earning Potential and Amplifying Political Power
Direct Services
We’re thrilled to report that we successfully relaunched our in-person Citizenship Day Fair this September, in partnership with the City of Albuquerque Office of Equity and Inclusion and El Centro de Igualdad y Derechos. This fair is a unique pro se format, where trained staff and volunteers review citizenship applications, and advocacy partners OLÉ, Encuentro and more join us to educate participants about voting and civic engagement. Additionally, we assess each attendee's situation to see if they qualify for fee reductions or waivers. The historical success of the fairs, both in terms of attendance and community impact, has led us to offer our pro se I-90 and DACA services both in-person and remotely to allow us to reach even more clients in need, throughout the entire state. Our efforts do more than help with paperwork; just as the path to citizenship is not only a legal journey, with your support, our work is a gateway to increased earning potential and political power.
Nora Hernandez (left), NMILC DOJ Accredited Representative/Pro Se Services Coordinator, and Fabiola Landeros (right) of El Centro de Igualdad y Derechos share information at the beginning of the 2023 Citizenship Day.
Amina’s Story
Amina, a mother from Nigeria who escaped an abusive relationship, successfully navigated the complexities of U.S. naturalization with our support. After attaining her own citizenship, Amina wanted the same security and opportunity for her children. With NMILC’s representation, her oldest child, who has cognitive delays, became a U.S. citizen through a medical exemption. With our pro se assistance, another child secured citizenship through naturalization, and a third was granted derived citizenship as they were under 18 when Amina became a citizen. Your donations to NMILC enable transformative journeys like Amina's, building stronger families and a more inclusive community.
Our Impact in 2023:
Join us in making a difference in the lives of people like Delia by donating today. Your contribution provides life-changing assistance and gives more crime survivors the strength to stand up for their rights and for a safer community.
Working for Safety & Justice in Our Communities
Policy, Education, Advocacy & Direct Services
Building a safer and more just community for immigrant victims of crime is at the heart of NMILC’s mission. Through our firsthand services serving immigrant victims, we understand the barriers immigrants face in parts of the state that do not have a uniform U Visa certification process, uniquely positioning us to lead the charge for legislative change. NMILC’s approach was vividly demonstrated in our efforts to push SB 350, the U Visa Certification Bill, in the 2023 New Mexico legislative session. Though the bill did not pass, NMILC made significant strides in building awareness and support for this issue, laying the groundwork for future success. The U Visa is an essential tool that fosters trust between law enforcement and immigrant survivors in New Mexico, encouraging them to report crimes without fear, regardless of immigration status. NMILC’s advocacy for this bill sought to establish uniformity and transparency across the state, addressing the current inconsistencies that exist in how victims are treated in different jurisdictions. By bringing survivors’ voices to the forefront, together, we have shown the transformative power of blending immediate assistance with broader advocacy. Your ongoing support enables NMILC to continue working with partners statewide to push for the passage of SB 350 and drive changes that have far-reaching positive effects for immigrants and the broader community, working toward a safer and more just New Mexico.
Expanded Social Services Take Clients From Surviving to Thriving
Policy, Education, Advocacy, Leadership Development & Direct Services
Thanks to your generosity, NMILC strategically expanded our social services across the state in 2023 as a vital complement to our legal advocacy, aimed at bolstering the economic security of our clients. In the challenging landscape of a post-pandemic world, where resources for basic needs are increasingly scarce, our clients find pursuing their legal cases exceedingly difficult without additional social support. To address this pressing issue, we ramped up our efforts by hiring more NMILC Navigators to provide onsite Medicaid enrollment for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) youth; case management to secure medical and dental providers, rental assistance, and referrals to food pantries; accompaniment to secure driver’s licenses and social security cards; and more. This holistic approach serves as a lifeline that enables clients to focus on their legal cases, which in turn serves as a foundation for long-term economic stability. But our role doesn’t stop there: our NMILC Navigators are critical advocates. When clients face barriers like erroneous denials of benefits due to misinformation about immigration status, NMILC Navigators step in to contest and correct these issues at different entities, including the Human Services Department. This dual approach of resource linkage and advocacy ensures our clients can successfully navigate their legal challenges and also sets precedents that benefit all immigrants in the state, fortifying communities throughout New Mexico.
NMILC staff Alondra Reyes (center) and Delaney Swink (left) assist a volunteer providing pro se services at a monthly asylum clinic.
Josefina’s Story
Josefina found a lifeline at NMILC when she needed it most. In addition to receiving legal assistance for her immigration status and obtaining a work permit as a result, she initially faced challenges in enrolling her child in Medicaid services. However, her NMILC Navigator advocated with the Human Services Department, successfully overturning the denial and enabling her child to see a doctor the very next day. This resulted in prescription glasses that dramatically improved his performance in school. Beyond healthcare, NMILC’s comprehensive support extended to securing Emergency Rental Assistance for Josefina, ensuring her family’s safety and stability in a secure home. Today, she feels a comforting sense of belonging and safety in her new country, thanks to the tailored and compassionate support she received from NMILC.
Wrap-Around Services
By creating an ecosystem of wrap-around services that address NMILC clients’ most basic needs, your support helps clients begin to move beyond the trauma of their immigration experience and focus on the legal work needed to establish a safe and permanent home in the United States.
National Spotlight on NMILC’s Innovative Legal Clinics
Policy, Education, Advocacy, Leadership Development & Direct Services
With your support, our half-day pro bono clinics for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) State Predicate Orders give families the individualized attention they deserve, and necessary documents are often e-filed on the spot. We take pride in having developed a model that not only increases our capacity to serve vulnerable youth but also strengthens our connections with the local legal community and state court judges. This cuts through red tape and significantly accelerates the SIJS process for families in need. Our impact goes beyond New Mexico — in July 2023, our clinic model was nationally recognized by the American Bar Association and the Children’s Immigration Law Academy as an innovative way to effectively serve more clients and create a symbiotic ecosystem involving pro bono attorneys, staff, and families in need.
2023 Community Appreciation Event & Legislative Brief
In April, we hosted our first in-person Community Appreciation Event since the pandemic. We expressed our gratitude to the generous pro bono attorneys, community members, and volunteers who went above and beyond donating their time and skills to advance our mission and better serve our clients. Our staff also provided an immigrant rights 2023 legislative debrief at the event, highlighting the impact of their work on state policy.
How Pro Bono Attorneys Make a Difference
Our work at NMILC would not be possible without the dedicated support of our pro bono attorneys. With pro bono attorneys specialized in every area of law that we work in, these individuals amplify our reach and bring in-depth expertise to complex and nuanced cases. This collaboration allows us to serve more people and offer high-quality legal aid in a range of specialized issues. We’re thrilled to announce that one of our pro bono attorneys, Ella Joan Fenoglio, was recently honored with The Robert H. LaFollette Pro Bono Award by the State Bar of New Mexico. This recognition is given to attorneys who have made exceptional contributions by providing free legal services to those who otherwise couldn’t afford them. Ella Joan has been invaluable in our asylum and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) programs. Congratulations, Ella Joan, and a heartfelt thank you to all who contribute their time and expertise to make our mission possible!
Put Your Skills into Action as a NMILC Volunteer
Our work at NMILC is exponentially enriched by our dedicated volunteers, who take on crucial tasks ranging from document translation to data entry to fundraising initiatives. As a NMILC volunteer, your contributions not only allow us to serve a greater number of individuals, they also free up our staff to focus on complex legal cases and policy work. The value you add is immeasurable in both time and financial resources saved. If you’re thinking about offering your skills for a meaningful cause, we invite you to become part of our volunteer team and make a tangible difference in the lives of immigrants in New Mexico.
“Volunteering as a DOJ Accredited Rep with NMILC has been challenging and fulfilling work! It makes me happy to see cases through to their positive conclusions.”
—Stephanie Lawyer
“We are so grateful to NMILC for the incredible support and guidance they provide throughout these cases and are excited about continuing this partnership!”
— Allison Freedman, UNM School of Law
Ready to make a difference?
We have a special need for bilingual volunteers to expand NMILC’s reach even further, but all skill sets can bridge gaps and change lives. Get in touch with us today to start your journey of impact!
Engaging Youth Through Artivism
This spring we held our annual youth art design contest, engaging students and schools across New Mexico. The contest reclaims the narrative around immigration and our border communities by creating lasting cultural change through “artivism.”
This year’s theme was based on the Mexican proverb, “Dime con quién anda, y diré quién eres” (Tell me with whom you walk, and I’ll tell you who you are), and 31 students submitted designs.
Fiscal Year Financials
Private Foundations & Community Partner Collaborations
Local, State, and Federal Government
Individual Contributions
Donated Professional Services
Investment Income
Miscellaneous Income
Many Thanks to All of Our Supporters!
None of our work would be possible without the many people and organizations who support us with their time, talent, and treasure. From pro bono attorneys representing our clients in court, to volunteers spending their Saturday with us at a Citizenship Fair, to all of our faithful donors, we are so grateful for our broad base of community support. Our success is because of you!
Alia Schreiber-Goldstein
Alice Conant Rearden
Alli Wheeler
Alma Buena
Almarina Sosa
Amy A. Herrera
Ana Ramirez
Andrea Gamboa
Andres Goldschmidt
Andy David Padilla Morales
Aneesah Elizabeth Dalal
Anh Tu Duong
Anita Torres
Ann Mary Setterlun
Aurora Arreola
Barbara B. Trujillo
Barbara C. Schroder
Barbara Elaine Warne
Barbara Pardo
Belkis Jacquez
Brenda Macias Lopez
Brystal Barcena
Cecilia Chavez Beltran
Ceryn Schoel
Cheryl J. Foote
Christie Hernandez
Cindy (Cynthia) Ann Chapman
Cindy Nguyen
CJ Ames
Claudia Carolina Cecchini
Claudia Vanessa Moreno
Connie Molecke
Corrina Jaramillo Feldman
Cynthia Seyb
Daniella Isabel Apodaca
Darcey Rydl
David Terrazas
Debbie Weissman
Dee Dee Ann Alvarado
Denise Roberta Gallegos
Denise T. Garcia
Diana Franco
Diana Steel
Donna Roxey
Efrain Rodriguez
Elias Guallar
Elias Wilson
Emma Fetherman
Emma Kahn
Ericka Martinez-Castro
Eubie Graham Butt
Georgian Spata
Gillian Brassil
Gino Unzueta San Miguel
Graciela Poore
Gregory Leslie
Gwenyth Szabo
Henry Torres
Isabel Spafford
Isela Bravo
Jacob McConaghie
Jan Jansen
Jane McGuire
Jenifer Getz
Jennifer Baidon Carrillo
Jennifer Campos
Jennifer Gamboa
Jennifer Nunez
Jessica Martin
Joan Friedland
Jordan Alexandra Nelson
Juan Pablo Wijngaard
Judy D. Vratil
Julia Montany
Julia Smith
Julia Wolfe
Julie J. Rael
Juliette Maas
Kari Converse
Karina Burciaga
Kawtar El Alaoui
Kelly Ann Thomas
Kimberly Weston
Lauren E. Soherr
Lauren Hewitt
Layire Diop
Lena A Guidi
Leslie D. Huggins
Liliana Alva Regalado
Lisa L. Houston
Luisa F. Sanchez-Carrera
Madeline DeHerrera
Maggie Roju
Maggie Wilcox
Mairi Nunag Tanedo
Margherita Tessarollo
Maria Ceballos
María de los ÁngelesVilaverde
Maria Luisa (Mona) L. Chacon
Maria McCullough
Marielys Padua
Marissa Victoria Cuellar
MaryBeth Stevens
Matthew Martinez
Maura Lewiecki
Maya Alexia Oregon
Megan Dunbar
Michael Margolis
Mildred Lopez
Mimi Schaefer
Miriam Tennent
Mohamed E Ali
Monica M Restrepo Jurado
Natalia Elise Corwell
Nathalia Gardea
Nell R. Burrus
Nursel Dokan
Odalys Marquez
O’Neill Blacker-Hanson
Pam Bliss
Pat Roach
Paul Robledo
Peter Katel
Pilar Andrea Sanchez
Rachel Droste Gwinn
Rebecca Kitson
Rebecca Schreiber
Regina Dickens
Robbyne Jones
Robert Minear
Roberto Martinez
Ruby Alejandra Rodriguez
Sara Albanna
Sara Ann Mason
Sarah Beam
Sarah Jamin
Sarah Qureshy
Sienna Rose Wright
Sofia Yoselin Rivera
Solemy Guajardo Salas
Sonia Gonzalez
Sonya Radetsky
Sophia Corwell
Stephanie Flores
Stephanie Lawyer
Stephanie Sanchez
Susan G. Moore
Tenley Ruth
Thomas Robertson
Tierney Michelle McCue
Tony Gerlicz
Vanessa L. Bautista
Vantinna Se
Vicki Rivera-Goin
Victoria Renee Varela
Viola Arduini
Wendy Leo
West Tucker
Yareli Torres-Gutierrez
A. Guerrero
Adriana Estill
Alejandro Quezada
Alexandra Ecklund
Alyosha Goldstein
Amanda Hellman
Amelia Malagamba
Amy Diaz
Andrea Cohen & Steven B. Cohen
Andrei Aroneanu
Andrew Burgess & Janice Schuetz
Andrew Fassler
Anke Meyer
Anne Callaghan
Anni Hanna
Arika Sanchez
Audrey Zucker
Barbara C. Schroder
Barbara Dodge
Barry Herskowitz
Benjamin Walter Fowler
Bonnie Korman
Brent Faulkner
Bruce Shah
C. Jacob
Carly Berwick
Carol Feldman
Carolina Solano
Caroline Dechert
Caryl Nelson
Charles K. Purcell & Georgia D. Will
Christie & Sarah Thomas
Christine Marie Sierra
Christopher Perez
Claire Dudley Chavez
Connie & Marty Molecke
Cristina Chavez
Curtis Derrick
Dalia Hernandez
Daniel Erdman
Daniel Goering & Marian Goering
Daniel Yohalem & Carmen Yohalem
Daniela & Scott Stromberg
Daniela Duyer
Daryl Chin
Dave Rossetti & Jan Avent Philanthropic Fund
David & Mary Cost through The Charles Piper Cost Foundation
David H. Bowman
David McGuire
David Meischen
David Prescott & Patricia Cloud
Debbie Weissman
Deborah Ann Solove & Gregg Solove
Deborah J. Brunt
Delaney Swink
Denise M. Chanez
Diana Good
Douglas Calderwood & Ken Cuthbertson
Edward Atler & Leslie Atler
Eleanor J. Milroy
Elena Rubinfeld
Elizabeth Alexander
Elizabeth Elston
Ellen Dowling
Ellen Louderbough
Ellen Weil Leitzer
Elyssa Caplan
Emma W. Race
Eric Unzicker
Erina Duganne
Esther Cohen
Faye Butler North
Florentina Medina
Fran A’Hern Smith
Fred & June Yoder
Gail Ansheles
Gilberto Garcia
Grace Allison & David White
Gregory Trost
Gretta Thomas
Gwenellen Paradise Janov
Hervey A. Juris & Leslie Juris
Hilaria P. Martinez
Isabel Slator
J. Michele Guttmann
Jacob Tucker
Jai Lakshman & friends at the Hanuman Foundation
James M. Olson & Lynn F. Olson
Jana Carole
Jane Zwisohn
Janine Kennedy & Don Manning
Jessica & Phil Smucker
Joan Tabb-Waisbein
Joan Weissman
Joelle Chase & Peter Knipper
John J. Kelly
John Novat
John Teti
Jonathan Larranaga
Jose Parra
Judith Crawford & Richard Crawford
Julia Hosford Barnes
Julia Talbot
Julie Zimber
Kalonji Bobb
Kara Mosley
Karen DeMorett
Karl Kaplan
Katherine Haddock
Katherine Hughes-Fraitekh
Kathryn Wissel
Kathy Mcknight
Kayley Shoup
Kenneth & Eileen Ross Charitable Fund
Kylie Lynch
Laura Martin
Laurel George
Leah Granados
Leland D Byers
Linda K Wilson
Lisa Padilla
Lisa Zahren & Homer Robinson
Louise Davis
Luis Stelzner
Lynne Wolfe
Madeline Schreiber
Maggie Hein
Manual Chavez
Margaret Elliston
Margaret Montoya
Margaret Roberts
Maria Elena Aguilar Orozco
Maria McCullough
Maria Rogahn
Maria Villalobos Gonzalez
Marianne Berwick
Marisa Nochumson
Marisa Ornelas
Mark & Connie J. Peceny
Mark Epstein
Mark Mills
Mark Sheridan & Lisa Sheridan
Marlene Bryan & Rob Bryan
Martin Rist
Mary Lance
Mary Margaret Golten
Maryann Wolters
Maryann Wolters & Michael Olson
MaryBeth Stevens
Matt Baker & Carrie Doyle
Maura Lewiecki
Megan Jordi Brody
Michael Kendall Williams
Michael May
Michelle Bardack
Mildred Lopez
Monica Cordova
Monica Newcomer Miller
N. Macias
Nancy I Babel
Nancy Iris Phillips
Nicole Finch
Norty Kalishman
Patricia Sargent
Paula Horley
Philip S. Dale
R. Adele Davies
Rafferty Jennings Swink
Ramon Gallegos
Ramon Hernandez
Ray & Martha Phillips
Ray Koltys
Rebecca Mulcahy
Rebecca Schreiber
Renee R. Wolters
Renee Swink
Richard & Jo Ann J Schaefer
Richard & Shirley Flint
Richard L. Leza
Robbyne Jones
Roberto Martinez
Roger Wolters & Kathy Wolters
Ronald Trost & Florence Trost
Rose Himrod & Thomas Himrod
Rosemary Blanchard
Ruby Tapia
Rudy Sanchez
Ruth Alice Warner Carrillo
Ruth E. Race
Ruth H. Carver
Ryan Villa
Sandra D. Ortsman
Sara Gelles-Watnick
Sarah E. Soliz
Sarah Hamilton
Sarah Manges
Sarai Torres
Schuyler Ross
Serena Maurer
Sergio Trujillo Gutierrez
Sharon Head
Shawn Hardeman
Sheila Sievers
Sofia Salinas
Sofie Hecht
Stephanie Peace
Stephen G. Gaber
Steven R. Sobolik
Stewart Paley & Nathalie Martin
Susan J. Weeks
Susanne Brown
Terri McAbee
Thomas C. Schwab &
Pamela B. Donegan Gift Fund
Thomas H Aageson
Timothy Merrigan
Tiska Blankenship
Todd Ruecker
Tova Indritz
Travis Aerenson
Vanessa Jacobsohn
Viola Arduini
Vivian Skadron
William Johnson
Yuriy Layvand
Yventka Quettant-Thomas through Enterprise Bank & Trust Foundation
Santa Fe Community Foundation
Albuquerque Community Foundation
Anjulicia Foundation
Border Futures Fund
Brindle Foundation
Cabin Fund
Santa Fe Community Foundation
City of Albuquerque
City of Santa Fe
Con Alma Foundation
Equal Justice Works
Herb Block Foundation
Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona
Liberty Ranch Infinite Possibilities Fund, Santa Fe Community Foundation
Los Alamos National Labs Foundation
New Mexico Children
Youth and Families Department (CYFD)
New Mexico Civil Legal Service Commission
New Mexico Community Trust
New Mexico Crime Victims Reparation Commission
New Mexico Foundation HEAL Fund
New Mexico Foundation Rapid Response Fund
McCune Zone Grant Technical Assistance Fund, Santa Fe Community Foundation
Office of Refugee Resettlement
Office of Violence Against Women
Pathways to a Healthy Bernalillo County
Protecting Immigrant Families
Quail Roost Foundation
Rimson Bernstein Donor Advised Fund, Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
Rio Grande Community Development Corporation
Segal Friedmann Charitable Fund, Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
Shaggy Peak Fund, Santa Fe Community Foundation
State Bar of New Mexico - Access to Justice Fund
Steinberg Charitable Fund, Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
Taos Community Foundation
Tarica Whooley Family Fund, Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
The Milkweed Fund
Turn and Return Fund, Santa Fe Community Foundation
United Way of Central New Mexico
University of New Mexico
Vera Institute of Justice
Vivian Allison & Daniel J. Pachman Fund at The Chicago Community Trust
Vivian Skadron Donor Advised Fund, Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Warren-Eloisa Family Fund, Santa Fe Community Foundation
516 Arts
Albuquerque Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quaker)
Atkins & Walker Law
Bosque Center for Spiritual Living
Enterprise Bank & Trust Foundation
Friends at ABQ VIDA
Latino’s Upholstery
Lotus Office Management
Martinez, Hart, Sanchez, Romero
McGinn, Montoya Love & Curry P.A.
Meow Wolf Inc.
Modrall Sperling Law Firm
Orlando C. Martinez Law, LLC
Rio Grande Credit Union
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
St. Chad’s Episcopal Church
Stelzner, Winter, Warburton, Flores & Dawes, PA
The United Church of Santa Fe
Wilcox, Myers & Jones, P.C.
Thank You to Our Pro Bono Attorneys!
Our law firm & pro bono attorney partners sponsor trainings for volunteer attorneys, offer legal expertise & mentorship to our staff, & take on cases pro bono.
Aaron Wolf
Abigail Bannon-Schneebeck
Adam Wright
Alana DeYoung
Alexandra Hess
Ashlee Marisol Wright
Benosi NMaduka
Brecken Larson
Bridget L. Mullins
Chris Killion
Cynthia Ann Stofberg
David A. Stevens
Deborah Ann Solove
Dominic Martinez
Elizabeth A. Delfs
Ella Joan Fenoglio
Eric Sutton
Erin L. Chavez
Esther C. Jamison
Eunice Herrera
Eva Seidelman
Evelyn J. Herrera
Francella Wright
Gabriel Pacyniak
Georgina Emilce Guillermon
Harold Atencio
Horatio Moreno-Campos
Isela Anchondo
J. Michele Guttmann
Janette Angelica Duran
Janine Caller
Javier B. Garcia
Jennifer Foote
Jennifer Moore
Jeremy Nickell
Jessica Martin
Jessica Serrano
Jody Taliaferro McCormack
Julia Catron
Julia Hosford Barnes
Kari Converse
Kateri Garcia West
Kathryn Rubi
Kristin Greer Love
Lance B. Wainwright
Lara Christensen
Lara Sundermann
Leslie McCarthy Apodaca
Liliana Benitez De Luna
Lucia G. Moran
Madison Jones
Mari Kempton
Mathew Wadsworth
Matthias Sayer
Orlando Martinez
Paola V. Jaime Saenz
Patricia Rivera
Paul MCash
Penelope M Quintero
Pilar L. Tirado Murray
Rebecca Mnuk-Herrmann
Robert Curtis
Roderick Philip Ventura
Roxie R Rawls-De Santiago
Ruby Crews
Salma Bencherif
Sarah Steadman
Saul J. Ramos
Serge Martinez
Sharon J. Strange Stepler
Sheryl L. Saavedra
Sidney R. Barrett
Spencer Edelman
Stacie Price Foor
Stefanie Beninato
Steven S. Michel
Stuart Michael Bluestone
Susan E. Miller
Tessa Lynnae Chrisman
Theresa Gheen
Tina Taylor
Valerie McLaughlin
Vanessa Francesca King
Victoria Lucero
Zoila Y. Alvarez Hernandez
Ana Ramirez
Fabian E. Perez
Gino Unzueta San Miguel
Julia Smith
Kari Converse
Michael Kagan
Mohamed E. Ali
Peter Katel
Ruth Alice Warner Carrillo
Pro Bono Medical Providers
Dr. Diana Franco
Dr. Diya Kallivayalil
Dr. Eleanor Emery
Dr. Erika Johnson-Jimenez
Dr. Fidel Ramirez
Dr. Hope Ferdowsian
Dr. Melissa Rosen
Dr. Sarah Thomas
Dr. Shannon Stromberg
Dr. Shelley Alonso-Marsden
Dr. Wanni Zhou
Dr. Yvonne Duarte
Dr. Diana Franco
Dr. Diya Kallivayalil
Dr. Eleanor Emery
Dr. Erika Johnson-Jimenez
Dr. Fidel Ramirez
Dr. Hope Ferdowsian
Dr. Melissa Rosen
Dr. Sarah Thomas
Dr. Shannon Stromberg
Dr. Shelley Alonso-Marsden
Dr. Wanni Zhou
Dr. Yvonne Duarte