Border Narrative Project
Changing the Border Narrative
Moving forward with our community also means reshaping the xenophobic and racist border narrative that has spread rampantly throughout our nation in the last few years. This year, NMILC was named a grantee of the Reclaiming the Border Narrative Project, an initiative funded by the Ford Foundation in partnership with Borealis Philanthropy, the Center for Cultural Power, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, and the National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures.
“I think it’s important that our stories are told and that our testimonies can be kept for generations to come as part of building generational knowledge and education.”
The Project is a community archiving initiative aimed at changing the U.S.-Mexico border narrative through authentic storytelling by directly affected communities in a variety of formats. Highlighted below are stories of our staff, volunteers and allies that have participated in the Border Narrative Project. We invite our New Mexican immigrant community members, family, allies and immigration attorneys to share their story and join the Border Narrative Project. Click below to submit your participation request.