Volunteer Spotlight: Yareli Torres

17-year-old Yareli Torres is NMILC’s Volunteer Spotlight for the month of June. Even at her young age, Yareli has donated many hours of her time to our organization by making phone calls and verifying client information prior to someone from our team contacting them.

Torres expressed she was a bit nervous when she started, but soon found out it was a fun, simple job, with a lot of importance behind it. Yareli says everyone she met at NMILC has been easy to talk to and is glad to volunteer with such a dedicated team. She is very thankful to have gotten the opportunity to help her community through her volunteer time at NMILC.

“I come from an immigrant family. My family's hard work and dedication has always inspired me. It always makes me extremely sad to see that many people leave their families, friends and homes just to have a better future and many times that’s hard. In volunteering at NMILC, I know that, even in the smallest way, I have helped my community. Thanks to my family immigrating, I am able to follow my dreams and achieve so much more. That is what I want for others to be able to experience too!” 

In the future, Torres would like to become an immigration lawyer to help more families that are being impacted by the oppressive and ever-changing immigration system. By volunteering at the NMILC, she was able to gain some insight into the job and learn more about immigration as a whole. She appreciates the guidance she received from our team and is motivated to continue her journey to achieving her dream. Yareli is an inspiring individual and the work that she has done to help us at the NMILC is greatly appreciated!

Click here to volunteer today!

Written by Alessandra Silva, NMILC Summer 2021 Intern


Volunteer Spotlight: Evelyn Perez


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