Linda Wilson
Senior Attorney
Linda is a Senior Attorney at New Mexico Immigrant Law Center (NMILC), representing unaccompanied immigrant children and mentoring pro bono attorneys in their representation of noncitizens as part of a larger defense strategy against the deportation of immigrant children. She has worked with the immigrant community since 2003, first as a bilingual dual-language educator and instructional coach prior to attending law school then as a family law attorney for immigrant victims of domestic violence before joining the staff of NMILC in 2017. As an immigration attorney, she has represented clients who qualify for humanitarian forms of immigration relief including U-visas, VAWA self-petitions, asylum applications, and petitions for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status. She has handled both affirmative and defensive applications and petitions and related adjustments of status. Linda attended the University of New Mexico School of Law (2014), and received the Thomas West Group Award for Domestic Relations Law. She earned bachelor’s degrees in Spanish Literature and Education and a master’s degree in Language, Literature and Sociocultural Studies before attending law school. Her current work in the Children’s Program involves representing immigrant children in removal proceedings and advocating for immigrant victims’ rights.